acrylic on paper
7” x 7” x 6”
Photo documentation: Jacinda Davis
acrylic on paper
7” x 7” x 6”
Photo documentation: Jacinda Davis
As my suburban community continues to expand with shopping and housing, I started to notice a large amount of fake landscape rocks within these environments. I have found them strange and peculiar. These fake rocks are often used to cover utility piping that may be considered unattractive. I am interested in this idea of concealment and outlining of space. I felt that in order to truly investigate this object I had to purchase my own. I began hiding my paintings under my rock, so that in order for the viewer to see my work, they have to lift the rock. I’m interested in this aspect of humor and spectacle that I notice in aspects of my suburban environment and my current explorations seek to communicate this to my audience.
Plastic landscape rocks, acrylic, pencil and collage on wood
Photo documentation: Steven Johnson